If you are a shoe -lover of any degree, then you know (or need to learn) all about Made in Italy footwear.
My dears, I could give you a lot of technical info, like how they tan their leathers using eco-friendly methods, or that they way they engineer lasts and heels is some of the most technologically advanced in the industry, but instead what I will tell you is that shoes Made in Italy make you feel like you’ve stepped into your own private paradise, made just for you. More on that to come the whole month of February here on Miss Meghan.
For now, I want to share this extremely fun contest where people are getting very creative. Until February 26 you can enter your own video about what Italian footwear means to you — and actually win cash. Hello? Who couldn’t use a little cash money right about now?
Check out the videos people have already entered into the contest, sign up for a Zoopa account (very easy — took me 15 seconds), shoot a video on your phone, your Flip camera, your HDTV camera, any camera at all, make an animation, or a slideshow, and load it up.
People will vote and you might win $4000 in Zoopa dollars — which translates into actual real cash for you!
Even Miss Meghan is going to enter a video!*
So get going! It is going to be fun. And stayed tuned for some exclusive videos from your favorite designers as well as from yours truly.
Miss Meg
*Just a note: Miss Meghan will not receive any cash prizes – that’s for you to win!