Home / Blog / Posts / AGAIN WITH THE FLIP FLOPS?!


scandale continues. reaching even the creative echelons of society. a certain songwriter who shall remain nameless (though i will say he’s penned many a celine hit, and was a minor hit himself in the 80’s) showed up at a certain songwriting meeting wearing a full suit and you GUESSED it, flip-flops. this has especial significance because 1) this is now a cross-gender phenomenon and 2) a cross-industry phenomenon. ALSO if you worked in a creative profession and you were SONGWRITNG why would you wear a suit to begin with? why not wear more, well, songwriting clothes. perhaps something comfy and creative? then to take that suit look and pair it with flip flops. well, i don’t mean to be mean, but it’s just wrong. you are in a creative PROFESSION. you already have wardrobe FREEDOM. don’t mix your metaphors. it’s not good for your career. you might end up with a bad celine las vegas haircut or even worse, boring blah songs for balladeers.

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