esteemed cousin sarah cleary writes in from somerville, MA: “Since you are the shoe maven I wanted to tell you I bought the greatest shoes yesterday! We went into a store that was an Urban Outfitters type place. They had a pair of shoes that I had to have. They’re sandal heels, red (my latest […]

esteemed cousin sarah cleary writes in from somerville, MA: “Since you are the shoe maven I wanted to tell you I bought the greatest shoes yesterday! We went into a store that was an Urban Outfitters type place. They had a pair of shoes that I had to have. They’re sandal heels, red (my latest […]

when on the beach in southampton, do as those fierce ethiopian runner girls do, and run barefoot. yes, an activity sans shoes that i found incredibly visceral and enjoyable. bare feet smacking the hard wet beach, sweating in the sun with cool water lapping at your heels and knees, stopping for a swim in the […]

when on the beach in southampton, do as those fierce ethiopian runner girls do, and run barefoot. yes, an activity sans shoes that i found incredibly visceral and enjoyable. bare feet smacking the hard wet beach, sweating in the sun with cool water lapping at your heels and knees, stopping for a swim in the […]

just back from the beach with mattie–we saw a HUGE man o’ ray!

just back from the beach with mattie–we saw a HUGE man o’ ray!

maxine rose is insisting i go and play but i must first talk about the research experiment i did yesterday during my loving new york day. i wore my jade green dress and alternated between pink and white pumas and my lavender high heeled slides to see if i got any different reactions on the […]

oh wow. what a wonderful day i had yesterday. filled with an amazing cross-section of new york–from upper east ladies who lunch with the blazing bejewled manicured hands to an art opening filled with struggling artists and the snooty stuffy people who buy and comment on art to slovin and allen’s show at UCB where […]
